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Introduction of waste plastic to oil converter in the USA


Microengineer Co., Ltd is marketing the system of waste plastic to oil converter and power generator utilizing the oil made by their own system.
PTO-1 converter system has been introduced in the State of Ohio to apply for the industrial size waste treatment of plastics.

Though the actual photos of installed equipment on is not available yet, the specified information about PTO-1 and estimates will be available on your request with your detailed inquiry.

Ohio is known as the large oil crop area in the United States in 19th century and currently famous for over 20,000 shale gas fields.
In Ohio, Honda has built automobile factory and tire manufacturer Bridgestone has their subsidiary Firestone factory, thus known for its close relation of oil and plastic products.

Ohio is also known as the state encouraging the recycling activity with the digitized goal.
The whole state environment project goal and our system to change waste plastics into oil may have best suited.
The demonstration with the equipment introduced in Canada may have affected to raise the attention when they have made a tour on site.
The model PTO-1 is not only economical but profitable being made with highest industrial technology of Japan with higher yield level of good oil than any other similar type machines. Not only for environmental recycling purpose but it will contribute to generate powers to industrial use.

It is no exaggeration that you might think the plastic wastes in your community or company site may become valuable resource after introducing our machine into your site.
Oil manufacturing by our system will ease the environmental burden of plastic waste and contribute to improving the cost benefit of energy source.

As you can see our products are made in Japan and acceptable in the USA, we are confident in our product quality standard. Consultation from those community or company suffering from the mounted volume of plastic waste is most welcome by our company.

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