Blest Distributed by Nagata shigyo


iEARN(Institute of Educational Policy Research)


2016/03/29 [thu]

We have participated to the workshop called ” iEARN Workshop GOMI on EARTH” as cooperating corporate.
The objective of this workshop is to experience and practice how to solve the endless garbage treatment generated by human life activity, especially the plastics waste disposal.

iEARN (International Education and Resource Network)
iEARN is a non profit international organization which makes the international cooperative works for primary, secondary and high school students and teachers associated by 30,000 schools over 140 countries. They hold programs for students and also training program for teachers. iEARN International Conference and Youth Summit is held each year. Over 2 million students and more than 30,000 teachers are participating in over 100 global programs to study and share the information.
Established in 1988, starting activity with the school communication exchange of 12 schools in Moscow and New York States cosponsored by Russian Science Academy and New York State Education Department.

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